Eportfolios for Lifelong Learning and Assessment
Preface. Acknowledgments. About the Author. Introduction. Part I: The Potential of Eportfolios for Individual and Social Transformation. 1 Eportfolios and Identity: Composing the Ethics of Authenticity. 2 Eportfolios and Vocation: Integrity for Good Work. Part II: Eportfolios and Assessment in Higher Education. 3 Eportfolios and Assessment: Deliberation for Democratic Decision-Making. 4 From Authentic Assessment to Eportfolio Assessment: Drilling Down and Linking Up. 5 Assessing Ineffable and Materially Connected Learning: Open Concepts and Texts. Part III: Eportfolios for Lifelong Learning. 6 Lifelong Learning with Eportfolios Beyond Higher Education: Negotiating Audience and Integrity. 7 Eportfolios, Blogs, and Social Network Sites: Networked and Symphonic Selves. 8 The Portfolio Process and the Processed Portfolio: Future Directions for Eportfolio Technology. Conclusion. References. Index.