Abstract : This report, the first in a series, presents an overview of the aspects of the Ada language relating to representation clauses and implementation-dependent features. Particular emphasis is given to the use of Ada for application to packed data structures. This report is part tutorial, and several examples from real-time, mission-critical systems are discussed in detail. A brief discussion of design guidelines for the use of representation clauses and implementation-dependent features is included. Chapter 2 provides an overview of the problem domain to which representation clauses and implementation-dependent features are applicable. Chapter 3 gives an overview of those features of the Ada language which are applicable to this domain. A basic design principle, and the use of representation clauses from a global perspective, are provided in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 presents several case study examples of the use of representation clauses and implementation-dependent features. The use of assembler language is discussed in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 lists a set of design guidelines for considered use of representation clauses and implementation-dependent features. A summary of the report appears in Chapter 8.
Brian A. Wichmann,et al.
Rationale for the design of the Ada programming language
B. Craig Meyers,et al.
The Use of Representation Clauses and Implementation-Dependent Features in Ada: IIA. Evaluation Questions
Henry Ledgard,et al.
Reference Manual for the ADA® Programming Language
Springer New York.
B. Craig Meyers,et al.
The Use of Representation Clauses and Implementation-Dependent Features in Ada: IIIA. Qualitative Results for VAX Ada
B. Craig Meyers,et al.
The Use of Representation Clauses and Implementation-Dependent Features in Ada: IIB. Experimental Procedures