TODS: cluster object storage platform designed for scalable services

In this paper we present the design and implementation of Tsinghua object data store, a cluster object storage system to support the building of scalable services. TODS provides a unified, transparent and object-oriented view of the storage devices of the whole cluster, which greatly simplifies clustered service development. In the meantime, it is designed to be very scalable and efficient. Services built on it simply inherit these properties and become scalable too. TODS also supports ACID transactions, which facilitates the building of complex transactional services. TODS abstracts away from service logic most complexities of data management, which has often become major obstacles for developing high quality Internet services. The design principles, architecture and implementation of TODS are discussed. hi our performance experiments, the system scales smoothly to a 36-node server cluster and achieves 11,160 In-memory reads/sec and 396 transactions/sec.