Human nature explored

Introduction: Themes, tasks, methods Historical and biological constraints Myths and human thought about human beings Biological constraints Evolution and the genetics of behavior General principles of evolution Human evolution Sociobiology and behavior genetics Minds, (bodies), and schemas Minds and bodies The nature of schemas Consciousness A constructivist approach to consciousness Limited capacity and the utility of consciousness as a serial device The feedback function of consciousness Constructions of consciousness Memory and consciousness Some speculations about the evolution of consciousness Emotion Emotions: Approaches, problems, and myths Understanding hot emotions: causes, consequences, and constructions Difference detection: Discrepancies are important The construction of emotion Some special problems of the emotions Evaluation: The culture of emotion The contemporary scene Some speculations about the evolution of emotion The origin and role of values in human thought and action What is value? Sources of values Conclusion: Interdependence, biology, and a contradiction The social fabric: Aggression and other human characteristics The functions of society Aggression A look at alternative social organizations Commentary Differences among people: Intelligence and gender The problem of intelligence Sex and sex differences Some general comments on individual differences Morality, Freedom, and Power Morality and human nature Rationality and universality Freedom, constraints, and power: What does it mean to feel free? Cognition and Language The categories of thought Language World and mind: Structure and representation Reductionism - mind is not brain, or vice versa Concluding thoughts Appendix: Psychology as a reflection of cultural values Choicepoints in the history of psychology Physics envy, and doing psychology without experiments.