Trabalho, educação e saúde: o ponto de vista enigmático da atividade

In this article we intend to make a discussion about work-education-health, taking as reference one Program that conjugated researches on the relation health-work and formation of male and female workers of public schools, whose epistemological perspective was centered in the work activity and in the confrontation among scientific knowledge and the knowledge generated on the workers' experience. Constituting an 'amplified community of research', that associates researchers and workers in the same process, we intended to contribute for the understanding of the dynamics and conditions that can generate suffering and sickness or can facilitate the creation of strategies of life's and health's statement, considering the values conflicts that are present in the public service's work. Above all things, we tried to contribute for the identification of the effective problems to be faced, aiming to make the changes that the workers consider as priorities. After presenting this program and some of it's results, we signalled the necessity of the construction of research methods compatibles to the premise that the workers are detainers of an experience and an indispensable type of knowledge to the comprehension of the enigmatic relation between health and work, in the approach of promotion of health and statement of life.