Differences in the frequency response of horizontal and vertical detectors (vector infidelity) in ocean bottom cable (OBC) surveys can cause problems for multicomponent processing, such as S-wave birefringence and amplitude variation with azimuth (AVA) analyses, and combining vertical and hydrophone data for water-born multiple suppression. One source of this problem is poor detector coupling with the seabed that produces resonances and phase distortions. Coupling and data quality are generally excellent for the inline component. However, the crossline component often exhibits low-frequency resonance compared to the inline. Also, OBCs are susceptible to rotational modes about the cable axis that produce spurious S-waves on the vertical component. I derive a method for correcting the crossline and vertical components based on a model of OBC detector coupling, and design vector operators in the frequency domain from shots over many offsets and azimuths. The crossline data are corrected,relative to the inlin...
A. Lamer.
George H. Sutton,et al.
Fidelity of ocean bottom seismic observations
Fred J. Barr,et al.
An improved method for deriving water‐bottom reflectivities for processing dual‐sensor ocean‐bottom cable data
J. Garmany.
The recovery of true particle motion from three‐component ocean bottom seismometer data
G. M. Hoover,et al.
The influence of the planted geophone on seismic land data
James E. Gaiser,et al.
Vertical seismic profile sonde coupling
Christine E. Krohn,et al.
Geophone ground coupling
Harold Washburn,et al.
The Effect of the Placement of a Seismometer on its Response Characteristics