中图分类号:TU112 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-3630(2020)-06-0728-08 Investigation and evaluation of acoustical environment in Pingyao ancient city LIU Yufeng, SHI Xiaofeng (College of Architecture, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, Shanxi, China) Abstract: Taking the Pingyao ancient city as an example, a field measurement and subjective questionnaire survey of the acoustic environment of four functional areas in the ancient city is conducted. The investigation results show that the sound pressure levels in the county yamen museum and the Mingqing Street obviously exceed the limits of the current acoustic environmental quality standard; the sound of historical and cultural performances is one of the unique sound sources in the ancient city, and it is most popular as natural sound. The influence factors of acoustic environment in the ancient city are studied based on the semantic difference method. The main factors of acoustic environment include mental attributes (comfort), social attributes (interest) and physical attributes (dynamic, intensity and richness), in which, the interest, intensity and richness show a gradually increasing trend in one day. And the acoustic environment of the ancient city is richer, more interesting and dynamic in comparison with other acoustic environments. At the end of this paper, some suggestions are put forward to improve the present acoustic environment of the Pingyao ancient city, which may provide a reference for the construction and optimization of soundscape of ancient city category.