Complex Event Recognition via Spatial-Temporal Relation Graph Reasoning
Events in videos usually contain a variety of factors: objects, environments, actions, and their interaction relations, and these factors as the mid-level semantics can bridge the gap between the event categories and the video clips. In this paper, we present a novel video events recognition method that uses the graph convolution networks to represent and reason the logic relations among the inner factors. Considering that different kinds of events may focus on different factors, we especially use the transformer networks to extract the spatial-temporal features drawing upon the attention mechanism that can adaptively assign weights to concerned key factors. Although transformers generally rely more on large datasets, we show the effectiveness of applying a 2D convolution backbone before the transformers. We train and test our framework on the challenging video event recognition dataset UCF-Crime and conduct ablation studies. The experimental results show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance, outperforming previous principal advanced models with a significant margin of recognition accuracy.