Radial pattern of sap flow and response to microclimate and soil moisture in Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia) in the upper Heihe River Basin of arid northwestern China

In order to accurately estimate whole-tree water use and individual tree transpiration, it is important to have reliable information on radial patterns of sap velocity and responses of sap flow to local environmental conditions. Therefore, variation in sap flow and environmental conditions was investigated in a mature Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia) stands during the growing season of 201 1 at the Pailougou watershed, in Qilianshan Mountain, located in the upper Heihe River Basin, in the arid region of Northwest China. Daily sap flow was measured by the heat-pulse technique on nine trees during the growing season. It was found that the highest daily sap flow velocity in sap flow radial distribution was at 20 mm sapwood depth, and that from 10 mm to 20 mm sapwood depth, the daily sap flow velocity gradually increased, whereas from 20 mm to 40 mm sapwood depth, sap flow velocity gradually diminished. A simple Gaussian regression model for the radial distribution of sap flux velocity was formulated, which explained 92% of the radial profile variation of sap flow velocity. Sap flow velocity was heightened by increasing the global short-wave radiation (R, W m(-2)), vapour pressure deficit (D, kPa), and air temperature (T, degrees C) when R < 800 W m(-2), D < 1.4 kPa, and T < 18.0 degrees C. It is, however, inherently difficult to establish firm relationships between sap flow velocity and R, D, and T because of the complex crown environment. The correlation of daily sap flow velocity to soil moisture content on a clear day was fitted by a logistic regression. We conclude that measurement of radial flow pattern provides a reliable method of integrating sap flow from individual measuring points to the whole tree. And D, R, T and soil moisture had varying influences on sap flow velocity in the Qinghai Spruce. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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