Understanding EUV resist dissolution characteristics and its impact to RLS limitations

In this work we present insights into RLS trade-offs by combining experimental data mining and resist modeling and simulation techniques with a development rate monitor (DRM). A DRM provides experimentally-determined dissolution characteristics for a given resist process and potentially can be used to produce a more accurate model description of the process. This work presents experimentally-determined dissolution characteristics for ultra-thin (50nm) EUV resist films as a function of material type and developer conditions and their impact to RLS trade-offs. Resist models are created with DRM data for its dissolution characteristics and used in subsequent simulations to gain fundamental understanding of EUV lithographic performance. In addition to typical lithographic quality metrics (exposure latitude, DOF), the interaction of resist properties (ie, de-protection kinetics and dissolution) with processing techniques are also discussed. Finally, a description of the RLS trade-off with respect to resist properties and process conditions is discussed.