Textbook of nuclear medicine

Part 1 Basic sciences of nuclear medicine: basic physics of radioactive decay statistics of radioactive decay radiopharmaceuticals internal and external dosimetry biological effects of radiation radiation detection scanners (SPECT and PET) Fourier process and filters computers in NM test performance and assessment. Part 2 Clinical nuclear medicine: bone BMD myocardial perfusion and necrosis ventricular function cardiac PET thyroid endocrine (parathyroid and adrenal) PE DVT detection to PE GUS CNS GI tumour monoclonal antibodies infection AIDS PET - non-cardiac paediatrics therapies (non-thyroidal) transplants. Part 3 Regulatory and laboratory nuclear medicine: QA and QI QC instruments QC radiopharmaceuticals laboratory tests RIA and IRMA governmental regulations radiation protection programme patient warning - therapy protocols and tables artifacts.