Variational Principles in Acoustic Diffraction Theory

The diffraction of a plane harmonic sound wave by an aperture in an infinitely thin rigid plane screen is investigated theoretically. Variational principles for the diffracted spherical wave amplitude at large distances from the aperture are derived. In the first of these, the stationary property is exhibited for the class of functions comprising the normal derivative of the aperture velocity potentials, whose distributions are governed by a generally insolvable integral equation. The second involves functions which characterize the discontinuity in velocity potentials at the screen (or their deviation from infinite screen distributions), and are specified by another integral equation. A comparison of the two variational principles is given, which indicates that their over‐all agreement following use of approximate functions, is a measure of the accuracy obtained. The plane wave transmission cross section of the aperture is related to the imaginary part of the diffracted amplitude in the direction of inci...