Enhancing Security in Banking Environment Using Business Intelligence

Datawarehousesarethemostvaluableassetsofanorganizationandarebasicallyusedforcritical business and decision-making purposes. Data from different sources is integrated into the data warehouse.Thus,securityissuesariseasdataismovedfromoneplacetoanother.Datawarehouse securityaddressesthemethodologiesthatcanbeusedtosecurethedatawarehousebyprotecting informationfrombeingaccessedbyunauthorizedusersformaintainingthereliabilityofthedata warehouse.Adatawarehouseinvariablycontainsinformationwhichneedstobeconsideredextremely sensitiveandconfidential.Protectingthisinformationisinvariablyveryimportantasdatainthedata warehouseisaccessedbyusersatvariouslevelsintheorganization.Theauthorsproposeamethod toprotectinformationbasedonanencryptionschemewhichsecuresthedatainthedatawarehouse. Thisarticlepresentsthemostfeasiblesecurityalgorithmthatcanbeusedforsecuringthedatastored intheoperationaldatabasesoastopreventunauthorizedaccess. KEywoRdS Cryptography, Data Decryption, Data Encryption, Data Storage, Data Warehouse, Data Warehouse Security, Database

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