Factors influencing the choice of concrete supply methods

A survey of UK contractors' planning engineers was undertaken using an in situ framed building model to elicit comparable information. Rank ordering, correlations and exploratory factor analysis of the data confirm that cost is of primary consideration for UK contractors. However, quality is assuming an increasingly important role in the decision making process. A ‘Quality Factor Group’ is discussed as being the most significant underlying factor having a fundamental impact on the construction method chosen. This, based on the achievements of Japanese and American construction firms, could result in reduced costs and higher productivity in the future. Des ingenieurs en planning travaillant pour des contractants britanniques ont mene une etude in-situ basee sur un modele de bâtiment a ossature afin d'obtenir des informations comparables. Le classement par ordre de grandeur, les correlations et l'analyse des facteurs explicatifs des donnees confirment que le coUt est le souci principal des contractants brit...