Risk factors for HIV-2 infection in The Gambia.

A serosurvey was carried out to assess the prevalence of HIV infection in The Gambia and the importance of possible risk factors. The overall prevalence of HIV-2 infection among the 4228 adults studied was 1.7% while that of HIV-1 was 0.1%. The prevalence of HIV-2 was similar in both sexes but higher among those greater than 25 years of age and those who lived in two small towns along a main transport route. Among men, multivariate analysis showed prevalence of HIV-2 infection was significantly greater among those in the more affluent occupations, those without a secondary education and those with a history of urethral discharge. Among women, infection was more frequent in divorcees and widows and those who had been married several times. The prevalence was also higher in individuals born in Guinea-Bissau and in an ethnic group which originated there.