There have been any number of biographies of Cecil Rhodes but they are all concerned with his imperialist dreams and dieir realization, paying litde attention to his business career and financial connexions in London. This is surprising in view of J. A. Hobson's identification of finance as ‘the motor-power of Imperialism’ and his reference to the prime role of Rothschilds (Rhodes' financiers) and other Jewish firms. The name of Rothschild is of course mentioned in the biographies, but the merchant bank's contribution is nowhere probed and the student of business history or imperialism is left to draw his own inferences from its characteristically low profile. Perhaps Rothschilds only receive passing mention because their contribution was very modest, an initial priming for a client that needed litde external financial support? Or, following Hobson, conceivably the bankers were the real powers behind Rhodes, ‘the prime determinants of imperial policy’? Recent revelations of some of Rhodes' business deals have not improved his reputation, and it is important to know if his financial backers were in any way responsible for the unsavoury aspects of his business record.
L. Davis,et al.
The Political Economy of British Imperialism: Measures of Benefits and Support
The Journal of Economic History.
A. Webb.
Witwatersrand genesis: a comparative study of some early gold mining companies, 1886-1894
C. Newbury.
Out of the pit: The capital accumulation of Cecil Rhodes
A. Jeeves,et al.
All that glittered : selected correspondence of Lionel Phillips, 1890-1924
A. Baster.
The imperial banks
S. Marks,et al.
Crown and Charter. The Early Years of the British South Africa Company
B. Gille,et al.
Histoire de la Maison Rothschild
A. F. Williams.
Some dreams come true
R. Kindersley,et al.
British banks and the London money market
H. O'Hagan.
Leaves from my life
Jules Ayer.
A century of finance, 1804 to 1904 : the London House of Rothschild
Gardner F. Williams,et al.
The diamond mines of South Africa