Comparative study of BSSE correction methods at DFT and MP2 levels of theory

A comparative study of intermolecular potential energy curves is performed on the complexes H O—HF, H O—H O, H O—H S, and 2 2 2 2 2 Ž H S—H S using nine different basis sets at the MP2 and DFT BLYP and 2 2 . B3LYP levels of theory. The basis set superposition error is corrected by means of the counterpoise scheme and based on the ‘‘chemical Hamiltonian approach.’’ The counterpoise and CHA-corrected DFT curves are generally close to each other. Using small basis sets, the B3LYP functional cannot be favored against the BLYP one because the BLYP results sometimes get closer to the MP2 values than those of B3LYP. From the results—including the available literature data—we suggest that one has to use at least polarized-valence triple-zeta-quality basis Ž . sets TZV, 6-311G for the investigation of hydrogen-bonded complexes. Special attention must be paid to the physical nature of the binding. If the dispersion forces become significant DFT methods are not able to describe the interaction. Proper correction for the basis set superposition error is found to be mandatory in all cases. Q 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Comput Chem 19: 575]584, 1998