Verification of lidar visibility
The concept of a LIDAR, which is the short form of LIght etection &ndBnging, is the optical synonymofthe well known radar. It describes an optical remote sensingtechnique for the detection of the atmospheric pa-rameters like the optical density, etc.A main difference between LIDAR and RADAR is the wavelength of the emitted radiation, and therefore theinteractions between this radiaton and particles in the atmosphere. While a RADAR system detects particlesat the size of raindrops or snowflakes, a LIDAR system may even recognize smaller aeronautics like dust, haze,and fog particles. This better resolution is a consequenceof the smaller wavelength: the typical RADAR wave-length is in the order of millimetres or centimetres, while a LIDAR useslaser radiation which is in the order of
[1] J. Klett. Lidar inversion with variable backscatter/extinction ratios. , 1985, Applied optics.