Categorical properties of reduction functors over non-positive DG-rings

Given a non-positive DG-ring $A$, associated to it are the reduction and coreduction functors $F(-) = \mathrm{H}^0(A)\otimes^{\mathrm{L}}_A -$ and $G(-) = \mathrm{R}\operatorname{Hom}_A(\mathrm{H}^0(A),-)$, considered as functors $\operatorname{\mathsf{D}}(A) \to \operatorname{\mathsf{D}}(\mathrm{H}^0(A))$, as well as the forgetful functor $S:\operatorname{\mathsf{D}}(\mathrm{H}^0(A)) \to \operatorname{\mathsf{D}}(A)$. In this paper we carry a systematic study of the categorical properties of these functors. As an application, a new descent result for vanishing of $\operatorname{Ext}$ and $\operatorname{Tor}$ over ordinary commutative noetherian rings is deduced.