Evaluation of noise problems anticipated with future vtol aircraft. AMRL-TR-66-245.
Abstract : The potential noise problems anticipated with future VTOL aircraft are analyzed and discussed in general terms, and a brief review of the basic principles of noise generation of various types of propulsion systems proposed for VTOL is included. Primary consideration is given to the noise environments produced in areas adjacent to VTOL sites, since they could cause the most serious noise problem limiting the usefulness of VTOL aircraft. Contours of perceived noise levels are compared for different takeoff and landing profiles of 3-4 passenger, 60 passenger, and 25 ton-lift-crane VTOL aircraft. Criteria and methods for assessing the response of communities to noise from V-port operations are discussed along with the problem of detection of military VTOL aircraft by means of noise. Recommendations are given on the requirements for future research on these noise problems with emphasis on the need for considering noise as an integral part of the design, selection, and test of VTOL aircraft.