Extending and characterizing quantum magic games
The Mermin-Peres magic square game is a cooperative two-player nonlocal game in which shared quantum entanglement allows the players to win with certainty, while players limited to classical operations cannot do so, a phenomenon dubbed "quantum pseudo-telepathy". The game has a referee separately ask each player to color a subset of a 3x3 grid. The referee checks that their colorings satisfy certain parity constraints that can't all be simultaneously realized.
We define a generalization of these games to be played on an arbitrary arrangement of intersecting sets of elements. We characterize exactly which of these games exhibit quantum pseudo-telepathy, and give quantum winning strategies for those that do. In doing so, we show that it suffices for the players to share three Bell pairs of entanglement even for games on arbitrarily large arrangements. Moreover, it suffices for Alice and Bob to use measurements from the three-qubit Pauli group. The proof technique uses a novel connection of Mermin-style games to graph planarity.