Transurethral Resection is an Efficacious Surgical Option for Patients with Prostatic Abscesses that Fail Transrectal Ultrasound-guided Drainage: A Case Report

A 60-year-old man with diabetes mellitus (DM) had a continuous fever and complained of pollakisuria and general fatigue during his hospitalization to establish glycemic control. He was diagnosed with a prostatic abscess by computed tomography and immediately transferred to our hospital. Transrectal, ultrasoundguided, needle aspiration of the prostatic abscess was performed as the initial surgical treatment, but the uid could not be completely evacuated due to its high viscosity. Aspiration was not suf cient to improve his symptoms, therefore, antibiotics were administered intravenously along with strict control of his DM. Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) was carried out to resolve the abscess cavities while the patient awaited improvement of his general condition and in ammatory ndings. After TURP, the patient’s lower urinary tract symptoms improved, and the abscess in the prostate did not recur.