Taxonomic revision of Ornithogalum subg. Beryllis (Hyacinthaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands.

abstra C t . — As part of a taxonomic revision of the Iberian and Balearic taxa of Ornithogalum, quantitative and qualitative characters are studied in detail in Ornithogalum subg. Beryllis (Salisb.) Baker, and they are evaluated for taxonomy of the two taxa: O. narbonense L. and O. pyrenaicum L. A complete description is presented for both species, and data on their biology, ecology, and distribution are also included. Moreover, a key is provided to facilitate identification. resumen . — En el marco de una revision de las especies ibericas y baleares de Ornithogalum, se estudian con detalle O. subg. Beryllis (Salisb.) Baker, y se evalua cualitativa y cuantitativamente el valor taxonomico de los caracteres morfologicos de los dos taxones: O. narbonense L. y O. pyrenaicum L. Para cada especie se presenta una descripcion completa, y datos sobre su biologia, ecologia y distribucion. Ademas, se aporta una clave para facilitar la identificacion de los taxones aceptados. key w O rds . — Loncomelos, Beryllis, Ornithogalum narbonense, Ornithogalum pyrenaicum, distribution, Spain, taxonomy.

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