Response to letter regarding article, "Adult bone marrow cell therapy improves survival and induces long-term improvement in cardiac parameters: a systematic review and meta-analysis".

We thank Dr Delewi and colleagues for a careful review of our report1 and thoughtful comments. The authors point out that our meta-analysis of 50 trials did not include 3 large trials (REGENT [Myocardial Regeneration by Intracoronary Infusion of Selected Population of Stem Cells in Acute Myocardial Infarction], BONAMI [Bone Marrow in Acute Myocardial Infarction], and HEBE).2–4 As mentioned under “Study Selection,” our meta-analysis included trials that reported data as mean and standard deviation. The REGENT trial2 reported data with median values and therefore could not be included. As a preliminary screening step, we reviewed the titles of all …