Heat Transfer Measurements on a Blunted 70 Deg Half Angle Cone in High Enthalpy Small Reynolds Number Flow
The heat transfer, especially at the stagnation point, of a generic ASTV (Aeroassist Space Transfer Vehicle) configuration, i.e. a 70 degree half angle blunted cone, is measured on "mini cones" with 5 mm O at the same time as on large cones with 152.4 mm O in HEG (High Enthalpy facility, Goettingen) at Reynolds number per meter 2.5 x 105 to 1.2 x 106, Mach number Ma = 10, and stagnation enthalpies 10 to 23 MJ/kg. The results on the mini cones agree in the main with the large cones when the heat transfer coefficient is assumed to be proportionalto Re-1/2 orKn1/2 0 over the whole covered range.