The Stone Age of Mount Carmel:

THE foreword by G. Grant MacCurdy to the work under notice recalls that, after the discovery of a fragment of Neanderthaloid skull in Galilee (1925), and the International Archæological Congress at Jerusalem (1926), he had the pleasure in 1928 of following the excavations of Miss Garrod at Shukbah, Wady en-Natuf, 27 kilometres north-west of Jerusalem. He mentions Miss Garrod's fine excavations at Gibraltar a short time before, in which she had found a skull of Neanderthal type. Then came her successful expedition to Iraq (1928) and, finally, in 1929, her excavations, for the joint expedition mentioned in the title above, at Wady el-Mughara in the coastal zone near Haifa, where she was ably assisted by T. D. McCown.The Stone Age of Mount Carmel: Excavations at the Wady el-Mughara. By D. A. E. Garrod and D. M. A. Bate. (Report of the Joint Expedition of the British School of Archæology in Jerusalem and the American School of Prehistoric Research, 1929–1934.) Vol. 1. Pp. xii + 240 + 55 plates. (Oxford: Clarendon Press ; London: Oxford University Press, 1937.) 42s. net.