Recent advances in swarm and evolutionary computation-foreword

Swarm intelligence, algorithms as well as classical evolutionary algorithms are fairly active area of research in the domain of bioinspired algorithm. Its use can be found in the wide spectra of theoretical research as well as technological applications. In the last years it is observable that swarm and evolutionary algorithms are subject of hybridization with unconventional algorithms that improve its performance and/or help to analyze and better understanding of its dynamics, that can be very often chaotic or exhibiting various interesting patterns. All those mutual intersections thus have become a vitally important part of science and engineering at the theoretical as well as the practical level of research. The most interesting and applicable notions are, for example, chaos control and chaos synchronization related to secure communications, evolutionary algorithms and complex networks control, synthesis and analysis among others. Swarm and evolutionary algorithms are modern heuristic methods, based on natural processes that have wide applicability in many industrial problems. Recently, the study of swarm and evolutionary algorithms and its intersection with unconventional algorithms is focused not only along the traditional trends but also on the understanding and analyzing principles, with the new intention of mutual intersections of these interesting fields of research. This special issue discusses the proposed intersection of interesting fields of research, i.e. deterministic chaos, complex systems and swarm and evolutionary algorithms. Special issue will contain participations focused for example on how can be dynamic of chaotic systems and its “randomness” used inside swarm and evolutionary algorithms in order to increase its performance. Also participations discussing existence of various kinds of dynamics and behavior pattern inside swarm and evolutionary algorithms, analysis, visualization and its impact on performance are presented in this issue. Issue consists of 7 original research papers and one survey paper that summarize recent original research intersections of the fields as deterministic chaos, complex networks with bio-inspired methods.