CMC training corpus Janes-Norm 1.2
Janes-Norm is a manually annotated corpus of Slovene Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC). It is meant as a gold-standard training and testing dataset for tokenisation, sentence segmentation and word normalisation of non-standard Slovene. As the corpus has been carefully manually annotated, it is also suitable for detailed linguistic explorations which require highly accurate and reliable annotations.
A slightly older version of this corpus is described in:
ERJAVEC, Tomaž, CIBEJ, Jaka, ARHAR HOLDT, Spela, LJUBESIC, Nikola, FISER, Darja. Gold-standard datasets for annotation of Slovene computer-mediated communication. In Proceedings of RASLAN 2016: Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Language Processing. Brno: Tribun EU, 2016, pp. 29-40,
Note that the corpus is also annotated with morphosyntactic descriptions and lemmas. These annotations are manual where the texts correspond to the Janes-Tag corpus ( and automatic for the other texts.