Fluorescence imaging through a turbid layer holds great promise for various biophotonics applications. Conventional wavefront shaping techniques aim to create and scan a focus spot through the turbid layer. Finding the correct input wavefront without direct access to the target plane remains a critical challenge. In this paper, we explore a new strategy for imaging through turbid layer with a large field of view. In our setup, a fluorescence sample is sandwiched between two turbid layers. Instead of generating one focus spot via wavefront shaping, we use an unshaped beam to illuminate the turbid layer and generate an unknown speckle pattern at the target plane over a wide field of view. By tilting the input wavefront, we raster scan the unknown speckle pattern via the memory effect and capture the corresponding low-resolution fluorescence images through the turbid layer. Different from the wavefront-shaping-based single-spot scanning, the proposed approach employs many spots (i.e., speckles) in parallel for extending the field of view. Based on all captured images, we jointly recover the fluorescence object, the unknown optical transfer function of the turbid layer, the translated step size, and the unknown speckle pattern. Without direct access to the object plane or knowledge of the turbid layer, we demonstrate a 13-fold resolution gain through the turbid layer using the reported strategy. We also demonstrate the use of this technique to improve the resolution of a low numerical aperture objective lens allowing to obtain both large field of view and high resolution at the same time. The reported method provides insight for developing new fluorescence imaging platforms and may find applications in deep-tissue imaging. © 2017 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement OCIS codes: (180.0180) Microscopy; (170.0110) Imaging systems; (110.0113) Imaging through turbid media. References and links 1. I. M. Vellekoop and C. M. Aegerter, “Scattered light fluorescence microscopy: imaging through turbid layers,” Opt. Lett. 35(8), 1245–1247 (2010). 2. I. M. Vellekoop, “Feedback-based wavefront shaping,” Opt. Express 23(9), 12189–12206 (2015). 3. M. Nixon, O. Katz, E. Small, Y. Bromberg, A. A. Friesem, Y. Silberberg, and N. Davidson, “Real-time wavefront shaping through scattering media by all-optical feedback,” Nat. Photonics 7(11), 919–924 (2013). 4. A. P. Mosk, A. Lagendijk, G. Lerosey, and M. Fink, “Controlling waves in space and time for imaging and focusing in complex media,” Nat. Photonics 6(5), 283–292 (2012). 5. X. Xu, H. 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Anne Sentenac,et al.
Structured illumination microscopy using unknown speckle patterns
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Studying different illumination patterns for resolution improvement in fluorescence microscopy.
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Sungsam Kang,et al.
Imaging deep within a scattering medium using collective accumulation of single-scattered waves
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M. Fink,et al.
Non-invasive single-shot imaging through scattering layers and around corners via speckle correlations
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Guoan Zheng,et al.
Adaptive system correction for robust Fourier ptychographic imaging.
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Jong Chul Ye,et al.
Fluorescent microscopy beyond diffraction limits using speckle illumination and joint support recovery
Scientific Reports.
Laura Waller,et al.
Structured illumination microscopy with unknown patterns and a statistical prior
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Changhuei Yang,et al.
Translation correlations in anisotropically scattering media
Ioannis N. Papadopoulos,et al.
The generalized optical memory effect
Sjoerd Stallinga,et al.
Deconvolution methods for structured illumination microscopy.
Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.
O. Katz,et al.
Looking around corners and through thin turbid layers in real time with scattered incoherent light
Nature Photonics.
M. Gustafsson.
Surpassing the lateral resolution limit by a factor of two using structured illumination microscopy
Journal of microscopy.
S. Popoff,et al.
Measuring the transmission matrix in optics: an approach to the study and control of light propagation in disordered media.
Physical review letters.
Ying Min Wang,et al.
Deep-tissue focal fluorescence imaging with digitally time-reversed ultrasound-encoded light
Nature Communications.
Feng,et al.
Memory effects in propagation of optical waves through disordered media.
Physical review letters.
Bian,et al.
Motion-corrected Fourier ptychography
J. Rodenburg,et al.
An improved ptychographical phase retrieval algorithm for diffractive imaging.
R. Horstmeyer,et al.
Wide-field, high-resolution Fourier ptychographic microscopy
Nature Photonics.
Guoan Zheng,et al.
Embedded pupil function recovery for Fourier ptychographic microscopy.
Optics express.
Yongkeun Park,et al.
Subwavelength light focusing using random nanoparticles
Nature Photonics.
A. Friesem,et al.
Real-time wavefront shaping through scattering media by all-optical feedback
G. Lerosey,et al.
Controlling waves in space and time for imaging and focusing in complex media
Nature Photonics.
I. Vellekoop,et al.
Scattered light fluorescence microscopy: imaging through turbid layers.
Optics letters.
Shoham Sabach,et al.
Proximal Heterogeneous Block Implicit-Explicit Method and Application to Blind Ptychographic Diffraction Imaging
SIAM J. Imaging Sci..
Lihong V. Wang,et al.
Time-reversed ultrasonically encoded optical focusing into scattering media
Nature photonics.
J. Bertolotti,et al.
Speckle correlation resolution enhancement of wide-field fluorescence imaging
Yonina C. Eldar,et al.
Photoacoustic imaging beyond the acoustic diffraction-limit with dynamic speckle illumination and sparse joint support recovery
Optics express.
J. Bertolotti,et al.
Non-invasive imaging through opaque scattering layers
I. Vellekoop.
Feedback-based wavefront shaping.
Optics express.
Kaikai Guo,et al.
High-resolution fluorescence imaging via pattern-illuminated Fourier ptychography.
Optics express.