A complete calculation of the order αs2 correction to the Drell-Yan K-factor

In this paper we present the complete calculation of the order αs2 correction in the MS scheme to the Drell-Yan K-factor. All channels represented by the qq, qg, gg and qq subprocesses have been included now. One of our conclusions is that the O(αs2) part of the K-factor is dominated by the qq as well as the qg reaction. The latter leads to a negative contribution over the whole energy range under investigation (0.5 TeV < S < 50 TeV). It even overwhelms the positive qq contribution at large collider energies characteristic for LHC and SSC. It turns out that the order αs2 corrected K-factor is quite insensitive to variations of the factorization scale M over the region 10 GeV < M < 1000 GeV. We also compare our results with the data obtained by UA1, UA2 and CDF.