Internet das coisas : da teoria à prática.
Despite the idea of connecting multiple objects to a common network so that data can be exchanged between themselves have arisen in the 1990s, receiving then the name of Internet of Things, recent technological advances have boosted public interest in the subject. In this context, we sought to offer a comprehensive view on this topic through the study of the reference bibliography, exploring some theoretical aspects about the nature of IoT, such as the state of art, the different types of concepts and definitions that seek to analyze it from different perspectives, the technologies that allow its materialization and the possible practical applications that arise with this materialization, such as the Industry 4.0, the Smart Home, the Smart Car and the applications in healthcare. Next, a practical application prototype capable of remote monitoring a tank based on the principles of cloud computing was developed through the use of a gateway connected to a web service, in order to demonstrate the feasibility of implementing an IoT application in the current industrial scenario. Finally, it is concluded that the materialization of the IoT concept would not be possible without recent technological advances and that the construction of solutions based on IoT concepts are currently feasible, both technically and financially.