The Recording and Interpretation of Geological Conditions in the Foundations of the Roseires, Kariba, and Latiyan Dams

Synopsis The investigation of foundation conditions is an essential preliminary to the design of any dam. However, the results of such exploratory works are rarely published. In consequence, comparatively few systematic methods of describing and interpreting rock for engineering purposes have been developed and this has contributed to the problem of predicting foundation conditions. Various techniques of recording information from borehole cores, excavations and natural outcrops are reviewed. This introduction is associated with a discussion of the type of geological information which is required for engineering purposes. The geological conditions at three dams—Roseires (Sudan), Kariba (Rhodesia), and Latiyan (Iran)— are described with particular relation to the manner in which the exploratory work was carried out. At the Roseires and Latiyan dams, rock grade classifications were developed in order to provide an engineering assessment of rock quality in situ. La recherche sur les conditions des fondations...