There is increasing evidence that, within a range of nutrientloadings, shallow lakes may have two alternative stablestates. One is dominated by phytoplankton and the other one bysubmerged macrophytes as the main primary producer. Thequestion arises at what level of nutrient loading a transitionmay occur between the two states. This question was addressedby means of the integrated lake model PCLake. The modeldescribes the competition between phytoplankton andmacrophytes, within the framework of closed nutrient cycles inthe lake system, including the upper sediment. Top-downeffects via the food web were regarded as well. The model wasrun for a hypothetical shallow lake, representative for thesituation in The Netherlands. Long-term simulations werecarried out for a realistic range of nutrient loadings andstarting from different initial conditions. The results showeda highly non-linear response, which also showed hysteresis:the loading level at which a transition occurs turned out tobe dependent on the initial conditions. The results werecompared with empirically derived chlorophyll a tophosphorus relations. Factors influencing the ’criticalnutrient level‘ were the lake dimensions and the netsedimentation rate. The model was also used to evaluate therole of food web management in lake restoration. The resultssuggest that a long-term effect of additional management ispossible only if combined with a decrease in nutrient loading.
R. D. Gulati,et al.
The Loosdrecht lake system: Man's role in its creation, perturbation and rehabilitation
Fish manipulation as a lake restoration tool in shallow, eutrophic, temperate lakes 2: threshold levels, long-term stability and conclusions
李幼升,et al.
R. Roijackers,et al.
Eutrophication in The Netherlands.
Warren Viessman,et al.
Integrated Water Management
H. Sas,et al.
Lake restoration by reduction of nutrient loading: Expectations, experiences, extrapolations
T. Aldenberg,et al.
A model study on the stability of the macrophyte-dominated state as affected by biological factors.
S. Ryding,et al.
Sediments as a Nutrient Source in Shallow Polluted Lakes
M. Meijer,et al.
Biomanipulation Tool for Water Management
Developments in Hydrobiology.
Tom Aldenberg,et al.
Fitting the dynamic model PCLake to a multi-lake survey through Bayesian Statistics
R. D. Gulati.
Carbon and phosphorus relationships of zooplankton and its seston food in Loosdrecht Lakes
Engineering and biological approaches to the restoration from eutrophication of shallow lakes in which aquatic plant communities are important components
Stephen R. Carpenter,et al.
Resilience and Resistance of a Lake Phosphorus Cycle Before and After Food Web Manipulation
The American Naturalist.
O. Ravera.
Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems : perturbation and recovery
Marten Scheffer.
Multiplicity of stable states in freshwater systems