A Fast Method for Extraction of 3-D Information Using Multiple Stripes and Two Cameras

This paper describes a method to extract 3-D information from two cameras in the scene on which mu l t i p le s t r ipes are projected. Though a s ingle camera cannot i den t i f y each s t r i pe in a scene and i t s image when d i scon t i nu i t i es of each s t r i pe occur, w i th one more camera which our method employs the ident i f icat ion problem can be solved, because multiple stripes and two cameras give two constraints. One is the geometric constraint which gives the necessary condition for ident i f icat ion of each s t r i pe . Another is the loca l constra int that features between images l i e in constant order. After applying the geometric cons t ra in t , u t i l i z a t ion of the local constraint enables ident i f icat ion of each s t r i pe in a scene and i t s image. As a resu l t , range data are obtained along mul t ip le s t r i pes. We also give a new method for computing camera parameters of 6 degrees of freedom which influence accuracy of 3-D in format ion. They are derived mathematically by seeing the known cube.