Lessons Learned in Attempting to Acheive Software CMM Level 4

T his article is based on an organization 2 that had achieved Software Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Level 3 and was working toward Level 4 [1]. Table 1 shows the Software Engineering Institute's CMM levels while Table 2 shows the key process areas (KPAs) within each level [2]. In order to be compliant with any level, an organization must be compliant with all KPAs at that level and all lower levels [2]. This author was the software manager and software engineering process group (SEPG) lead on project X when Level 3 was achieved 3. Later, as SEPG lead at the next higher organizational level, he developed and executed Level 4 and Level 5 processes for project X. The projects in the organizations were geographically dispersed between both coasts and involved in diversified applications. An organizational standard process (OSP) existed at the corporate level that only had processes for Level 2 and Level 3. The OSP was adapted and tailored to the projects as projects' defined process (PDP). SEPGs existed at various levels, and the corporation had a software-process training program that supported Level 2 and Level 3. All employees engaged in software development were required to take process training appropriate to their software tasks. While pursuing Level 3 all projects within the organization were committed and cooperated. The corporate SEPG had membership from the organizations' SEPGs and met monthly. The organiza-tion's SEPG met weekly and had membership from the projects. The projects' SEPGs meet weekly. The SEPGs coordinated on the OSP and the PDP and ensured that they were applied in a consistent and repeatable fashion across the organization. Project X was required to follow Department of Defense (DoD)-STD-2165A, Standard for Software Development, along with supporting DoD standards, which provide for all processes and artifacts required for Level 2 and many for Level 3. Processes for all Level 2 and Level 3 KPAs were installed and executed on the projects. Individuals received process training for both levels. Extensive Level 2 and Level 3 artifacts were collected. Several dry run assessments were conducted and supported with various government CMM Software Capability Evaluations for procurements. The organization achieved Level 3 in 27 months after being awarded the contract for project X, which was never assessed at Level 2. The assessment was a Software Engineering Institute (SEI) CMM-based appraisal for internal process improvement (CBA-IPI). The lead assessor was from an external vendor while …