ahoi: Inexpensive, Low-power Communication and Localization for Underwater Sensor Networks and μAUVs

The recent development of small, cheap AUVs enables a plethora of underwater nearand inshore applications. Among these are monitoring of wind parks, detection of pollution sources, water-quality inspection, and the support of divers during disaster management. These tasks profit from online reporting, control, and AUV swarm interaction; yet they require underwater communication. Unfortunately, commercial devices are prohibitively expensive and typically closed-source, hampering their application in affordable products and research. Therefore, we developed the open-source1 ahoi acoustic modem. It is (i) small enough to be carried by micro AUVs, (ii) consumes little enough energy to not diminish operation times of its host, (iii) comes at an attractive unit cost below $600, (iv) can reliably communicate at distances of 150 m and more, and (v) supports ranging without additional hardware. Due to its modular build, the modem can be customized and is suitable as research platform to analyze, e.g., MAC and routing protocols. We conducted extensive real-world studies and present results of communication range, packet reception rate, ranging accuracy, and efficient and reliable self-localization. Finally, we draw conclusions regarding acoustic communication, ranging, and localization with inexpensive and low-power devices that go beyond a particular device. Our study, hence, encompasses general insights, observations, and recommendations.

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