Geoelectric techniques have been used to detect and define the subsurface stratigraphy and structures
around Hibis Temple in Kharga Oasis, Egypt. We used 2D and 3D inversion approaches to interpret the data set obtained from 20 dipole-dipole resistivity profiles with electrode spacings of 3 and 5 m and lengths between 39 and 85 m.
Five vertical electrical soundings, with a maximum array length of 200 m, along a profile crossing
the study area were also carried out. A preliminary quantitative interpretation of the vertical electrical sounding curves was achieved using two-layer standard curves and generalized Cagniard graphs. The final models were obtained by 1D inversion using the results of the manual interpretation
as initial models. Model results were used to construct a geoelectric cross-section that correlated
very well with the stratigraphic units.
Five geoelectric units were identified: the first (the uppermost) is a high-resistivity layer consisting
of fill deposits (rubble); the second is a muddy clay with moderate resistivity values; the third is also a muddy clay but with decreased resistivity due to the increase in salt content originated by the evaporation of the groundwater seepage; the fourth unit, at a depth of 7–13 m, is a muddy clay saturated with water seepage from the agricultural areas surrounding the temple; the final unit is a more resistive layer corresponding to dry muddy clay. The differences in the groundwater level, and its salt content, correlated with the irrigation activities around the temple. We concluded that the high corrosion potential of the seepage water might be connected with its salt content.
Joseph Robert Inman,et al.
L. S. Edwards,et al.
A modified pseudosection for resistivity and IP
R. Barker,et al.
Rapid least-squared inversion of apparent resisitivity pseudosections by a quasi-Newton method
S. A. Sultan.
Geoelectrical mapping and tomography for archaeological prospection at Al Ghouri mausoleum, Islamic Cairo, Egypt
W. Kelly.
Geoelectric Sounding for Delineating Ground-Water Contamination
A case study of two and three-dimensional inversion of dipole-dipole data: the Enfermarias Zn-Pb (Ag, Sb, Au) Prospect (Moura, Portugal)
D. H. Griffiths,et al.
Two-dimensional resistivity imaging and modelling in areas of complex geology
O. Koefoed.
a Generalized Cagniard Graph for the Interpretation of Geoelectrical Sounding Data