Text, Speech and Dialogue, 9th International Conference, TSD 2006, Brno, Czech Republic, September 11-15, 2006, Proceedings
Invited Papers.- Learning by Reading: An Experiment in Text Analysis.- Depth of Feelings: Alternatives for Modeling Affect in User Models.- Text.- The Lexico-Semantic Annotation of PDT: Some Results, Problems and Solutions.- Czech Verbs of Communication and the Extraction of Their Frames.- Featuring of Sex-Dependent Nouns in Databases Oriented to European Languages.- On the Behavior of SVM and Some Older Algorithms in Binary Text Classification Tasks.- A Knowledge Based Strategy for Recognising Textual Entailment.- Paragraph-Level Alignment of an English-Spanish Parallel Corpus of Fiction Texts Using Bilingual Dictionaries.- Some Methods of Describing Discontinuity in Polish and Their Cost-Effectiveness.- Exploitation of the VerbaLex Verb Valency Lexicon in the Syntactic Analysis of Czech.- Hungarian-English Machine Translation Using GenPar.- Combining Czech Dependency Parsers.- Processing Korean Numeral Classifier Constructions in a Typed Feature Structure Grammar.- Parsing Head Internal and External Relative Clause Constructions in Korean.- A Hybrid Model for Extracting Transliteration Equivalents from Parallel Corpora.- Sentence Compression Using Statistical Information About Dependency Path Length.- Transformation-Based Tectogrammatical Analysis of Czech.- The Effect of Semantic Knowledge Expansion to Textual Entailment Recognition.- Segmentation of Complex Sentences.- Enhanced Centroid-Based Classification Technique by Filtering Outliers.- Multilingual News Document Clustering: Two Algorithms Based on Cognate Named Entities.- A Study of the Influence of PoS Tagging on WSD.- Annotation of Temporal Relations Within a Discourse.- Applying RST Relations to Semantic Search.- Data-Driven Part-of-Speech Tagging of Kiswahili.- Hand-Written and Automatically Extracted Rules for Polish Tagger.- Effective Architecture of the Polish Tagger.- Synthesis of Czech Sentences from Tectogrammatical Trees.- ASeMatch: A Semantic Matching Method.- Extensive Study on Automatic Verb Sense Disambiguation in Czech.- Semantic Representation of Events: Building a Semantic Primes Component.- Cascaded Grammatical Relation-Driven Parsing Using Support Vector Machines.- Building Korean Classifier Ontology Based on Korean WordNet.- Exploiting the Translation Context for Multilingual WSD.- Post-annotation Checking of Prague Dependency Treebank 2.0 Data.- Language Modelling with Dynamic Syntax.- Using Word Sequences for Text Summarization.- Exploration of Coreference Resolution: The ACE Entity Detection and Recognition Task.- Parsing with Oracle.- Speech.- Evaluating Language Models Within a Predictive Framework: An Analysis of Ranking Distributions.- Another Look at the Data Sparsity Problem.- Syllable-Based Recognition Unit to Reduce Error Rate for Korean Phones, Syllables and Characters.- Recognizing Connected Digit Strings Using Neural Networks.- Indexing and Search Methods for Spoken Documents.- Analysis of HMM Temporal Evolution for Automatic Speech Recognition and Verification.- Corpus-Based Unit Selection TTS for Hungarian.- Automated Mark Up of Affective Information in English Texts.- First Steps Towards New Czech Voice Conversion System.- Are Morphosyntactic Taggers Suitable to Improve Automatic Transcription?.- Fast Speaker Adaptation Using Multi-stream Based Eigenvoice in Noisy Environments.- Phonetic Question Generation Using Misrecognition.- Speech Driven Facial Animation Using HMMs in Basque.- Comparing B-Spline and Spline Models for F0 Modelling.- Environmental Adaptation with a Small Data Set of the Target Domain.- Current State of Czech Text-to-Speech System ARTIC.- Automatic Korean Phoneme Generation Via Input-Text Preprocessing and Disambiguation.- Robust Speech Detection Based on Phoneme Recognition Features.- Composite Decision by Bayesian Inference in Distant-Talking Speech Recognition.- Speech Coding Based on Spectral Dynamics.- Detecting Broad Phonemic Class Boundaries from Greek Speech in Noise Environments.- A System for Information Retrieval from Large Records of Czech Spoken Data.- A Structure of Expert System for Speaker Verification.- Automatic Online Subtitling of the Czech Parliament Meetings.- Character Identity Expression in Vocal Performance of Traditional Puppeteers.- A Dissonant Frequency Filtering for Enhanced Clarity of Husky Voice Signals.- Post-processing of Automatic Segmentation of Speech Using Dynamic Programming.- Diphones vs. Triphones in Czech Unit Selection TTS.- Silence/Speech Detection Method Based on Set of Decision Graphs.- Prosodic Cues for Automatic Phrase Boundary Detection in ASR.- Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Language Modeling.- Dialogue.- Feature Subset Selection Based on Evolutionary Algorithms for Automatic Emotion Recognition in Spoken Spanish and Standard Basque Language.- Two-Dimensional Visual Language Grammar.- Are You Looking at Me, Are You Talking with Me: Multimodal Classification of the Focus of Attention.- Visualization of Voice Disorders Using the Sammon Transform.- Task Switching in Audio Based Systems.- Use of Negative Examples in Training the HVS Semantic Model.- Czech-Sign Speech Corpus for Semantic Based Machine Translation.- Processing of Requests in Estonian Institutional Dialogues: Corpus Analysis.- Using Prosody for Automatic Sentence Segmentation of Multi-party Meetings.- Simple Method of Determining the Voice Similarity and Stability by Analyzing a Set of Very Short Sounds.- Visualization of Prosodic Knowledge Using Corpus Driven MEMOInt Intonation Modelling.- Automatic Annotation of Dialogues Using n-Grams.- PPChecker: Plagiarism Pattern Checker in Document Copy Detection.- Segmental Duration Modelling in Turkish.- A Pattern-Based Methodology for Multimodal Interaction Design.- A Pattern Learning Approach to Question Answering Within the Ephyra Framework.- Explicative Document Reading Controlled by Non-speech Audio Gestures.- Hybrid Neural Network Design and Implementation on FPGA for Infant Cry Recognition.- Speech and Sound Use in a Remote Monitoring System for Health Care.