Multifunctional Configurable USBDataAcquisition System

Inthis paperwepresent alowcost implementation ofthe modular intelligent multi-channel dataacquisition system asan alternative toexisting commercial solutions. Thesystem design enables simple reconfiguration andadaptation tovarious measuring requirements anditisparticularly applicable foreducational purposes, early-stage development andscientific research. Someof important requirements inmodern electronic instrumentation design thatoursystem satisfies areflexibility fordiferent measuring scenarios, programmable inputanalogchannels control and connectivity tostandard communication interfaces available on today's personal computers. Simplesystemadaptation to application-specific purposes isachieved bya careful choice of electronic components, with particular emphasis onprogrammable central processing unit. Theimplemented system also provides high level ofprotection against surges andovervoltages intheinput measuring channel bymeansofanalog input transient suppression andgalvanic isolation between themeasuring circuitry andthe personal computer interface. Thebasicmeasuring hardware configuration maybeextended byexternal plug-in analog boards.