The growing demand for both performance and battery life in portable consumer electronics requires SoCs and power management circuits to be small, efficient, and dynamically powerful. Dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) can help achieve these goals in load circuits, though generally at the expense of increased DC-DC converter size (through use of external inductors) or loss (through linear regulation). While switched-capacitor (SC) DC-DC converters can offer conversion in small fully integrated form factors [1-5], their efficiencies are only high at discrete ratios between the input and output voltages. To increase an SC converter efficiency across its output voltage range, multiple conversion ratios can be utilized to realize a finer output voltage resolution. For instance, many converters employ a small handful of conversion ratios [1-4]. However, more conversion ratios are generally necessary to achieve high efficiency across the wide output range necessary for DVS, as converter efficiencies can otherwise fall by more than 20% between unloaded ratios [1-4]. Unfortunately, increasing the number of ratios beyond a small handful using standard topologies can significantly increase the number of components, escalating converter complexity and adding losses in the additional switching elements. To overcome this, a successive approximation (SAR) SC topology was proposed in [6] which cascades several 2:1 SC stages to provide a large number of conversion ratios with minimal hardware overhead. However, the linear cascading of stages introduces cascaded losses, limiting overall efficiency. For example, the minimum Rout is more than 30X Rout of a similar ratio Series-Parallel topology using the same silicon area. Additionally, current density is limited to that of a single stage, and capacitance utilization can be low for many conversion ratios.
Anantha Chandrakasan,et al.
A 93% efficiency reconfigurable switched-capacitor DC-DC converter using on-chip ferroelectric capacitors
2013 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference Digest of Technical Papers.
A.P. Chandrakasan,et al.
Voltage Scalable Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converter for Ultra-Low-Power On-Chip Applications
2007 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference.
John Crossley,et al.
A sub-ns response fully integrated battery-connected switched-capacitor voltage regulator delivering 0.19W/mm2 at 73% efficiency
2013 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference Digest of Technical Papers.
Vincent Ng,et al.
A 92%-efficiency wide-input-voltage-range switched-capacitor DC-DC converter
2012 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference.
David Blaauw,et al.
A fully integrated successive-approximation switched-capacitor DC-DC converter with 31mV output voltage resolution
2013 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference Digest of Technical Papers.
Anantha P. Chandrakasan,et al.
A 0.16mm2 completely on-chip switched-capacitor DC-DC converter using digital capacitance modulation for LDO replacement in 45nm CMOS
2010 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference - (ISSCC).