The use of R-wave morphology in the detection of sleep-disordered breathing using the electrocardiogram - a comparison between leads

Power spectral analysis of time series derived from the R-wave morphology of the ECG was employed to identify a suitable lead configuration for the detection of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) using the electrocardiogram (ECG). 16 subjects (46 /spl plusmn/ 9.2 yrs, 8 males), who did not report problems during sleep, and 13 subjects previously diagnosed with SDB (49 /spl plusmn/ 8.8 yrs, 7 males) underwent an overnight sleep study at an accredited sleep center. Power values derived from the spectra of the R-peaks envelope were tested for their sensitivity and specificity in discriminating between epochs containing normal breathing from epochs containing SDB. Of the three tested lead configurations using two parameters NB1 and NB2 derived from the power spectrum, lead I produced the best results with a sensitivity of 92.8% and a specificity of 88.0% for the case of parameter NB1 and a sensitivity of 85.7% and a specificity of 76.0% for the case of parameter NB2.