Oestradiol-17 beta induces the major vitelline envelope proteins in both sexes in teleosts.

During growth of the ovarian follicle, the teleost oocyte becomes surrounded by an acellular coat, the vitelline envelope. The nature, origin and number of the vitelline envelope proteins in fish appear to vary with species. In this work, polyclonal antibodies directed against vitelline envelope proteins from rainbow trout, brown trout and turbot were used to show that oestradiol-17 beta induces the major vitelline envelope proteins in juveniles, both males and females, from different species. The fact that males can synthesize vitelline envelope constituents shows that the origin of these proteins is not confined to the ovary. The vitelline envelope of rainbow trout eggs consists of three major proteins, designated alpha (60 kDa), beta (55 kDa) and gamma (50 kDa). The amino acid composition of each of the three proteins indicated that the three proteins are alike and the suggestion that these proteins represent a separate class of structural proteins is sustained.