Biosphere Politics: A New Consciousness for a New Century

Part 1 Enclosing the global commons: securing the world what doth it profit a man...? the harlot and the machine a private nature cows devour people gathering up the waves riding on thin air the electronic pulse of the planet a price tag on genes environmental shrapnel Icarus and the great cataclysm. Part 2 Geopolitics and the death of nature: the corporate state gunpowder and global reach armed to the teeth everyone's a soldier the politics of geography geopolitical games enclosure in a nuclear age gene wars. Part 3 The culture of privacy: personal security and the privatization of life kids, mirrors and lawns store-bought and machine-made homo consumptor Descartes on wheels. Part 4 Securing the body politic: the flight from the animal shadow morals, manners and menus exorcising the beast disconnecting the senses odoriferous terrors a touchless society oral and visual cultures the age of simulation. Part 5 The coming of the biospheric age: mechanistic versus therapeutic consciousness geosphere to biosphere planetary rhythms reclaiming the ground of being accounting for the Earth biosphere politics multinational machinations disarming the Earth opening up the global commons the third stage of human consciousness.