— The effect of stress state on the time and strain to failure has been considered in terms of currently accepted models of cavity growth. It is shown that the increasing contributions of compressive stress cause changes in cavity growth mechanisms which lead to increases in ductility. A tensile component of stress is necessary to provide the driving force for cavity growth by diffusion of vacancies and hence only strains in the presence of a tensile stress can lead to creep-dominated failure in creep-fatigue. Equivalent stress functions for isochronous stress rupture have been derived in terms of the cavity growth models and their corresponding relationships for calculating damage in terms of strain fractions developed. It is shown that it is difficult to discriminate between the various models on the basis of available experimental data. However, the analysis allows data to be assessed within the framework of physically based mechanisms and suggests methods which lead to conservative lower bound estimates of endurance. It is concluded that the shape of the isochronous creep rupture locus depends on the controlling process of cavity growth and that a detailed analysis of uniaxial creep ductility is necessary to obtain a complete description of the multiaxial behaviour. In many instances such an analysis will prove more valuable than simply performing creep tests over a limited range of stress states. Increasing contribution of principal stress to the failure process leads to a greater value for the equivalent stress in the presence of a compressive component compared with the von Mises equivalent value. However, the equivalent stress is reduced in the tensile quadrant of bi-axial stress. Hence the degree of conservatism arising from using the von Mises equivalent stress will vary with stress and may become slightly non-conservative. The relationship between equivalent stress functions for application in a time fraction assessment of creep and the calculation of creep damage by a strain fraction method has been demonstrated. Finally, guidance is given on how a limited data base of uniaxial rupture properties can be used to obtain a conservative estimate of behaviour under multiaxial loading.