Abstract Several authors have taken the worst case breakdown measures in analyzing the robustness of a test. In general, these kinds of measures give only a rough picture of breakdown robustness of a test. To overcome this limitation, a new kind of breakdown measure of a test is defined as the smallest proportion of arbitrary outliers in the sample that can distort the test decision. It is called as the sample breakdown point of a test in this paper. A distinct advantage of this new measure is that it is directly concerned with the test decision based on the present sample and with the critical region of the test. The sample breakdown points of several commonly used tests of one-sided or two-sided hypotheses are calculated and their asymptotic properties are also established. By Monte Carlo simulations and asymptotic analysis, we show that the acceptance breakdown of the t -test and the Hotelling T 2 -test is slightly better than that of the sample mean test. Finally, we prove that, for a one-sided hypothesis testing of location, the sign test has the maximum sample breakdown points asymptotically within a class of M-tests and score-tests.
P. Rousseeuw,et al.
Breakdown Points of Affine Equivariant Estimators of Multivariate Location and Covariance Matrices
Jian Zhang.
The Optimal Breakdown M-Test and Score Test
F. Hampel.
Contributions to the theory of robust estimation
F. J. Anscombe,et al.
Large-sample theory of sequential estimation
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.
Jian Zhang.
On the sample breakdown robustness of some nonparametric tests
H. Rieder.
Qualitative Robustness of Rank Tests
S. Sheather,et al.
Robust Estimation and Testing
D. G. Simpson,et al.
Breakdown robustness of tests
D. G. Simpson,et al.
Hellinger Deviance Tests: Efficiency, Breakdown Points, and Examples