Pret a Voter: All-in-one

A number of voter-verifiable electronic voting schemes have been introduced in the recent decades. These schemes not only provide each voter with a receipt without the threat of coercion and ballot selling, but also the ballot tallying phase can be publicly verified. Furthermore, these schemes are robust because the power of authorities can be threshold distributed. Generally speaking, the homomorphic encryption schemes are efficient but they are unable to handle some preferential elections, such as STV elections and Condorcet elections. The mix network schemes are versatile, but they are not as efficient as the homomorphic encryption schemes in approval elections. In this paper, we will present a new electronic voting schemes which is secure, versatile and efficient. We call our proposal scheme the Prˆet `a Voter: All-In-One because it is based on the re-encryption version of the Prˆet `a Voter scheme and inherits most of its security properties. Our scheme not only handles both approval elections and preferential elections, but also the ballot tallying phase will always be the most efficient because according to different elections, different tally strategies can be applied.