An imported case of hepatic unilocular hydatid disease.

A 38-year old man visited a private clinic complaining of epigastric discomfort for 2 months. A huge hepatic cyst was found by sonography and computerized tomography. An exploratory laparotomy was performed under the impression of hydatid disease. The cyst was successfully removed. A lot of living protoscolices of Echinococcus granulosus were found from the cystic fluid under light microscopy. During the operation, however, the cyst was accidentally ruptured and the cystic fluid spilled out. The patient was medicated with albendazole, and had been well without any signs of anaphylaxis or recurrence for 1 year follow-up period. He had been in Saudi Arabia for 3 years. This is the 16th case of hydatid disease reported in Korea and a case without immediate complication in spite of rupture of the cyst.