복합시스템 가용도 분석을 위한 시뮬레이션 모델 연구

【Today, most weapon systems operate as component systems of SoS(System of Systems) and they produce synergy effects in the battle field by interoperating. In addition, the acquisition issues on weapon systems have expanded into SoS context including sustainment analysis. Availability is the sustainment KPP(Key Performance Parameter) of weapon systems. In this paper, a simulation model is proposed to analyze the availability of SoS. The simulation model consists of 5 modules: Mission and Task, System, System RBD, Maintenance system and a simulation engine. Then it was implemented and applied to a SoS. As a result of the application, the simulation model could be applied for analyzing the availability of the SoS and provided information about critical tasks and risky component systems to complete the given mission of the SoS.】