Mosaic PPM1D mutations are associated with predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer

Improved sequencing technologies offer unprecedented opportunities for investigating the role of rare genetic variation in common disease. However, there are considerable challenges with respect to study design, data analysis and replication. Using pooled next-generation sequencing of 507 genes implicated in the repair of DNA in 1,150 samples, an analytical strategy focused on protein-truncating variants (PTVs) and a large-scale sequencing case–control replication experiment in 13,642 individuals, here we show that rare PTVs in the p53-inducible protein phosphatase PPM1D are associated with predisposition to breast cancer and ovarian cancer. PPM1D PTV mutations were present in 25 out of 7,781 cases versus 1 out of 5,861 controls (P = 1.12 × 10−5), including 18 mutations in 6,912 individuals with breast cancer (P = 2.42 × 10−4) and 12 mutations in 1,121 individuals with ovarian cancer (P = 3.10 × 10−9). Notably, all of the identified PPM1D PTVs were mosaic in lymphocyte DNA and clustered within a 370-base-pair region in the final exon of the gene, carboxy-terminal to the phosphatase catalytic domain. Functional studies demonstrate that the mutations result in enhanced suppression of p53 in response to ionizing radiation exposure, suggesting that the mutant alleles encode hyperactive PPM1D isoforms. Thus, although the mutations cause premature protein truncation, they do not result in the simple loss-of-function effect typically associated with this class of variant, but instead probably have a gain-of-function effect. Our results have implications for the detection and management of breast and ovarian cancer risk. More generally, these data provide new insights into the role of rare and of mosaic genetic variants in common conditions, and the use of sequencing in their identification.

Peter Donnelly | Mark I. McCarthy | Nazneen Rahman | Panagiotis Deloukas | Neil M. Walker | John A. Todd | Antonis C. Antoniou | Jorge S. Reis-Filho | Elise Ruark | Anthony Renwick | Sheila Seal | Manuel A. Rivas | Alex Henderson | Alan Ashworth | Diana Eccles | Christopher J. Lord | Clare Turnbull | Margaret Warren-Perry | Glen Brice | Cyril Chapman | Rosemarie Davidson | Alan Donaldson | Fiona Douglas | Lynn Greenhalgh | Louise Izatt | Joan Paterson | Susan Shanley | Peter Humburg | Julian Barwell | Emma Ramsay | Tsun-Po Yang | Sandra Hanks | Ajith Kumar | Jackie Cook | Carole Brewer | Fiona Lalloo | Katie Snape | Patrick J. Morrison | Angela F. Brady | P. Donnelly | M. McCarthy | M. Rivas | A. Ashworth | J. Todd | N. Walker | M. Brown | S. Seal | N. Rahman | P. Deloukas | J. Reis-Filho | A. Antoniou | R. Houlston | M. Gore | D. Eccles | D. Evans | C. Turnbull | A. Renwick | S. Hanks | Elise Ruark | M. Warren-Perry | S. Shanley | P. Humburg | Lorna Gregory | Tsun-Po Yang | A. Rimmer | M. Porteous | M. Caufield | Z. Miedzybrodzka | C. Lord | F. Lalloo | A. Brady | M. Rogers | C. Chapman | P. Morrison | G. Brice | L. Greenhalgh | L. Izatt | C. Brewer | R. Davidson | A. Henderson | J. Paterson | J. Adlard | J. Cook | F. Douglas | A. Donaldson | J. Barwell | K. Snape | L. Walker | Matthew A. Brown | Richard Houlston | Lisa Walker | Zosia Miedzybrodzka | Martin Gore | R. Brough | I. Bajrami | J. Berg | Ajith Kumar | D. Gareth Evans | C. Loveday | J. Douglas | D. Rodrigues | Chey Loveday | Jonathan Berg | Lorna Gregory | Andrew Rimmer | Rachel Brough | Mary Porteous | Anna Zachariou | Ilirjana Bajrami | Silvana Del Vecchio Duarte | Anne Murray | Jenny Douglas | Mark T. Rogers | Daniel Nava Rodrigues | Adriana Campion-Flora | Naser Ansari Pour | Julian W. Adlard | Mark J. Caufield | Julian | A. Zachariou | Anne Murray | N. A. Pour | Emma Ramsay | Brough | Zachariou | Adriana Campion-Flora | W. Adlard | Douglas | Deloukas | J. Cook | M. McCarthy | D. Evans | L. Gregory | D. Evans | D. Evans | M. McCarthy | D. Evans | Rachel | Silvana del Vecchio Duarte | Anna | Julian | Glen | Brice | Fiona | Panagiotis | Clare | Turnbull | J. Christopher | Lord | D. Evans | Glen

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