The Adaptive Optics Facility Module GRAAL on its Way to Final Validation

The other AOF major systems can be developed on a parallel track for the time being. GALACSI module integration is well advanced but not completed. One of the four Laser Guide Star (LGS) optical paths has been aligned and furnished with a wavefront sensor camera (priority was granted to GRAAL). However, many of the module subsystems have been characterised and were validated during 2013. Technical templates are used to perform these tests in a consistent manner and the observing and instrument control software of GALACSI is also well developed (there was also a synergy exploited with the GRAAL software modules). The jitter loop actuator was validated as well, which allowed a complete loop with SPARTA (Standard Platform for Adaptive optics Real Time Applications), the wavefront sensor camera and the jitter actuator to be closed. The GALACSI module should be validated in standalone mode before the end of 2014 in order to take the place of GRAAL on ASSIST when the system tests with this module are complete.